Monday, March 14, 2011

Customer service that rocked! What we can learn from Bryan at Staples...

So how many times have you gone to the store to browse around, and get form-tackled by the sales associate begging to help you? Normally, I try to run and hide.....mainly because I don't want to be harassed by strangers trying to up-sell me.

This morning I did my monthly Staples run (I have a strange affinity for office supplies, but that's a whole different post). My 5 year-old scanner has been acting up, so I decided to gaze longingly at the scanners before I actually picked up what I needed.....and then the dreaded attack came!

Bryan comes up and asks if I need anything, and for some odd reason I decided to ask him about the difference between a couple of $100 price-point machines. After talking for a couple of minutes, he asked me to wait, then came back and asked me if I minded floor models. After saying no, he presented me with a $300 machine that had been close-out priced to $38.

After I picked my jaw off the floor that he would actually help me save some money, Bryan then took the machine and ran a full diagnostic on it to make sure everything worked. It worked great, he packed it up and then asked if he could carry it to the the rain.

Normally I fuss about customer service fails.....but this experience is one everyone could learn, no matter what the job. HR is as much customer service (to the employee, to the C-Suite, to the organization) as any job that interacts with the traditional "outside" customer. We all have our days, but the important thing is to remember how we expect, not just prefer, to be treated.....and treat others the same way. Also, don't hold back on the praise....I told Bryan that I hoped the "Social Media Gurus" at Staples would pick up my positive tweets and blog post about him!

- Heather

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