Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What inspires you?

I'm ashamed that after such a short time with the blog, I've already gone a week without a post. My problem was purely inspiration. I had multiple ideas during the week, just nothing that made me run for the keyboard.

I'm inspired by many things....my husband, my child, my family. But what gets me going in his arena has to be the interactions I have with my students. And they were on spring break last week......bye bye inspiration! Now don't get me wrong, I was just as ready for a break as they were, but after a couple days, I really started to miss them...and felt my own productivity waning.

Yes, I'm exceptionally blessed in my job. I love what I do, and I draw personal and professional inspiration from it. I also realize that not everyone gets inspired by their job, particularly in the recent economy when the "any job is a good job" mentality has been so prevalent.

I'm not naive enough to say, "hey go quit your job and find one that inspires you" - my Type A, ESTJ personality kicks in and renders that comment completely nuts and I get a laugh just reading that line.

However, I do encourage you to find SOMETHING to inspire you. Family, Hobbies, Volunteer....just do something! You'll be happier and more productive in all aspects of your life from the boost that you get.

So again, I ask, what inspires you???

- Heather

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