Sunday, March 27, 2011

Eustress vs. Distress and my crazy life!

The next 8 days will be some of the busiest, and most important of my life. I can mark my true red letter days on one hand.....March 21, 1998 (my wedding), April 1, 2004 (the birth of my son) and April 5, 2011 (the final defense of my dissertation).

Ergo, the "get your geek on" title to tonight's post. I have been researching stress, as manifested in work/life conflict, for the last 5 years, and I'm finally at the point where all the effort is rewarded. If you want to hear more than you ever wanted to know about stress, coping and life satisfaction....I'm your go-to girl. I don't worry so much about the defense, I know my 191 page book like the back of my's everything else that feels like its falling apart.

I don't know what it is about the first couple of weeks of April, but for the last 4 years, something major is always going on. Last year we were closing on our mortgage, the year before moving, the year before that moving....not to mention the yearly celebration of the his highness' birth!

I usually thrive on stress (I'm truly a eustress kind of girl), but there comes a point that no matter how well you deal, it's just overwhelming and causes you to shut down. I just hope that I can hold it together over the next 8 days.......

Oh yeah, did I mention that for my son's birthday this coming weekend, we're having guests??? Just imagine, my parents, my husband's parents, and 2 more dogs will be spending 3 days in my house.....add that to the 2 adults, 1 7-yr-old, 1 beagle, and 2 cats already here. Talk about a strain on coping (and bathroom) resources!

I've researched and published on stress and coping, and I hope that I'm able to convert my geek to practical application....any suggestions?????

Thanks for letting me vent! Hopefully things will be back to normal soon!

- Heather

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